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A modular music making biome 路 By 8ude


Recent updates

Had a productive weekend away - was up at the Millay Colony for the Arts near Hudson, NY. It was great to be without internet for a few days. I spent most of la...
Minor updates this week - trying out some placeholder sprites on the spider prey, keeping up with incremental art changes. I'm fairly certain I'm going to go...
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Slow Goings
Didn't make build for this week :( I've been feeling the mid-winter ennui, started a new freelance project in earnest, and also needed to get a lot of administ...
23 Jan 2021 - bug fix, patcher in progress
Build updates: - changed spider web so strands remain fully opaque but still diminish in size - fixed organism selector bug (buttons were deactivating, but didn...
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new blog 馃尡
hi! i'm corey, and i'm an audio person and game developer currently based in Brooklyn. thanks for checking out this prototype for the last few years i've been...
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